Welcome to Highfields Baptist Church! Established in 1876, our continuing ministry is tangible evidence of God's faithful provision. For this we are most thankful. The desire of our church is to know Jesus and to grow to be more like Him, so that others may see Jesus in our lives and want to know Him as well. Our Church family is currently more mature and smaller in number. However, our prayer is that God will provide opportunities for us to express His love to all generations, making all feel welcome, valued and cared for. We encourage one another to embrace all that God has provided to each one of us through His Son Jesus Christ. To serve Him wherever we are and in whatever situation we find ourselves. To live out our faith, knowing His plan for each one of us and for His Church is so very real. But above all, to love one another as Jesus loves us (John 13:34). Please join with us on Sunday at 9:30am as we celebrate all that God has done for each one of us through His only Son - Jesus Christ. We would love to meet you!