Jenni Svensson - Treasurer
Jenni is originally from Newcastle NSW. She met her husband John in Newcastle where he was serving with the RAAF. She has been married for 50+ Years, having two children Leah and Kurt. She became a Christian in 1983 at Tarro-Beresfield Baptist Church. She moved to Qld and was the Treasurer at Bribie Island Baptist, after many years. We swapped the sea change for a tree change and she became the Treasurer of Crows Nest Uniting Church before coming to Highfields Baptist. Her main career was in banking for about 30 years. The last 4 years before she retired, she worked at Fresh Hope, a Christian based rehabilitation centre for mothers with children. This was a very rewarding time for her and she still have contact with some of the mothers she met whilst working there. She and John live in Crows Nest with our two dogs, Wilson and Coco and cat Bailey. she enjoys Lawn Bowls, occasionally play golf (badly), reading, gardening, and craftwork. She enjoys her Treasurers role in the Church, witnessing firsthand how God provides for and blesses our Church and the fellowship of our congregation. |
Don Rea
Born into a Christian home I was raised with my older sister and younger brother in the western suburbs of Brisbane. Looking back, I can see that my parents lived their faith daily. Jesus was their daily companion. I gave my life to Christ as a very early teen at a Billy Graham Crusade in Brisbane. My Christian journey did not stick to the freeways. It had been a meandering pathway of ups and downs. Like many, I had to hit a significant road block before God really got my attention. This was the unexpected death of Stephen, our 10yo son. God’s love flowed abundantly and His compassion was palpable. Just a few months later, God spoke to me through a visiting International Speaker – it all made sense, Christ was real and the Holy Spirit dwelt in my heart. Today He guides me in all I do and say. He has set me free, to be what He always planned for me to be. When we moved to northern Toowoomba to retire in 2022, we believed God wanted us at Highfields Baptist Church. My passion is to see all Christians growing to be more Christlike and building a living relationship with Jesus, free of the limitations sometimes placed on us by formalised religion. I see myself as an all-rounder! I have enjoyed a diverse career, from a trade to senior corporate management. Wendy, my wife for over 50 years is my biggest supporter. We have two daughters and two grandchildren. All are deeply loved. |
Robyn Rich
I was born and raised in a rural setting on a property outside of Rockhampton. My earliest memories were of always wanting to be at the cattle yards - whenever dad was branding or dipping, I was there. I loved cattle and rural life. As my life unfolded through my teen years, my interest in people and supporting and caring for them through crisis/emotional concerns lead me through a lifelong passion to nurture and love through listening and sitting with them in times of need. I met the Lord through circumstances that tugged at my heart over a long period of time. Finally challenged through a dream that virtually revealed to me where my life was headed, I knew I had to make peace with Jesus. I surrendered my life to HIM and made my eternal destiny secure. It was a very moving and powerful time of surrender and renewal. My passion for caring lead me to be trained as a Pastoral Carer and I have enjoyed many years of visitation within the hospital setting and learning through professional development days. I am married to James and have three children and 10 delightful grandsons. This beautiful family make me smile, give me an anchor and embrace me with their love. And I love my church family too!! |