Our Vision: It is the Vision of the Highfields Baptist Church to submit ourselves to our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ our Lord. We desire to grow by the direction of His Holy Spirit, to fulfil our mission. A mission to share the gospel with our local community and the world.
We will commit ourselves to personal growth and strive to attain more Christlike lives. This is so others can see Christ through us and want to know more about Him.
We will develop ministries within our church, according to the plan laid down by the leadership and approved by the members. This plan must be relevant, workable, monitorable and above all flexible. This is to meet the ever-changing external events within our community. It should be noted that ‘meeting the plan’ is secondary to submission to God’s Will and Guidance.
The Vision of HBC is to grow in spiritual effectiveness, primarily through each person’s growth in Christ. Secondly, by growth in ministries and membership. But above all, we desire people knowing Jesus Christ as their Saviour and discipling them to become His passionate followers.