Maureen Timperley - Leader
Maureen first felt called to youth and children’s ministry at a previous Baptist church in Pine Rivers. This led her to serve in and lead 2nd Pine Rivers Girls’ Brigade Company. On moving to Highfields opportunities to serve in similar ministries opened up within the community through Highfields Baptist Church ie Religious Instruction at Highfields State School, leadership of Youth Group and Sunday School . She co-ordinated youth activities within the church supporting and overseeing all youth and children’s ministries as well as organising training and support for leaders and helpers. Maureen says, “Having grown up in the local area without the benefit of Christian teaching or support, I see how valuable these are for our local kids. How good it is to be able to speak God’s Word into young lives, to play a part in their development and to see them grow into the young people God intended them to be. What a wonderful privilege.” |